Friday, November 4, 2011


Blindness by Jose Saramaga
The past few weeks I have been reading a new book called Blindness by Jose Saramaga. At first glance I thought that it looked like a pretty good book. Well I'm not gonna lie, I just looked at the cover and it looked cool so I thought I would read it. Unfortunately, that's how things interest me, by the way they look. Anyways, this book actually won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1998 so that's pretty cool. When I first started reading it I didn't notice that it was written weird until about a chapter in. The author uses really long sentences and a lot of commas instead of just using "normal" writing and using many sentences. Actually I think that for each paragraph it is only one sentence. Maybe, but I'm not 100% sure but that's what it seems like.

Anyway, this book is about a man that suddenly becomes blind while he is driving. When he leaves his house that morning he is fine but suddenly when he stops at a red light he becomes blind. When the light turns green and his car is still at a holt, a crowd of people gather around his car trying to figure out what's wrong and the only thing he says is "I'm blind." The first thing that crossed my mind was why is someone that is blind driving? But then it goes on to say how he could see perfectly fine before he left his house. A pedestrian then accompanied the man to the passenger seat of his car and told him that she would drive him home, because like me, she thought that he was always blind. While they were in the car though, the blind man told the lady his story and she was trying to calm him down saying how he will be able to see again but the man just kept going on about how he was fine that morning and all of a sudden everything became white. Which the lady found really odd because almost all blind people can only see black, so the fact that this guy only saw white was really strange. Anyway this book turns out to become a huge epidemic and forces the government to take action.

It suprised me that I actually found this book intresting since the only thing that attracted me to it was the cover. But I actually want to read it and find out what is happening with this guy and if this Blindness epidemic will be cured or not.
