Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tootels From My Spaghetti Noodle. August 31,2011

So I just took a look at some other peoples blogs, and I'm so confused. I don't know if we have to blog about our book that were reading or about whatever we want. But obviously I'm still blogging about whatever I want. haha. Well maybe I'll give this whole "book blogging" thing a try. Oh and sorry ahead of time if it sucks.

The Lies That Chelsea Told Me by: Chelsea Handlers friends and family
I really don't know how to talk about my book. Its just funny. But you would only find it funny if you are a fan of hers because you kind of have to understand what she considers funny or else you would probably just think she was mean, well she actually kinds is lol. I personally have watched her TV show forever and have read other books of hers, so I think she is hilarious, which brings me to another point. Her books are so funny that the only place that I can read them is in an enclosed room when no one is around because I literally laugh out loud. Yea your probably thinking that I'm a loser, but seriously she says the funniest things that I have ever heard. The pranks that she pulls on people are so funny that you would think they were unreal. So if you ever are looking for a book to make you laugh and don't mind being made fun of for laughing while your reading, then this is definitely the book for you. I would recommend it to anyone. Well actually not everyone. If you take offense to crude humor then you should stay as far away from this book as you can. But other than that, this is the best book I have ever read.

Tootels from my spaghetti noodle.
