Friday, September 2, 2011

Don't Read This It's Really Boring. September 1,2011

WARNING: I dont feel like using spell check so theirs gonna be a lot of misspelled words.

This week, unlike any other week, has been crazy. But I don't really feel like talking about it cause it would probably be boring. haha.

Anyways, I don't have three sentences that I like this week. I'll probably find some tonight and just post them tomorrow. uhhhh im soo bored. I don't know what to type about. And I guess were suppose to go look at other peoples blogs and vote and comment on them, but I just don't feel like it. hmmm.

Well I guess I'll just ramble on about my book that I don't really like. I'm not talking about the Chelsea Handler one, cause that book is amazing! I'm talking about Life by Keith Richards. Its just boring. Well its intresting but it just talks about drugs all the time and about him getting busted. Theirs only so many stories I can read about drugs. So after I got to page 100, I realized that this book was not for me. I'm not into the whole boring thing. I'm more of the person that likes funny things and would rather be laughing and making a fool of myself then reading something boring. 

Yea so tonight I guess I'm gonna add more to this post because I can't think of anything else to say.
