Friday, September 30, 2011

september 30,2011: currently

This week I finished my book, Bossypants by Tina Fey. It was a pretty good book. Their wasn't really a story behind the novel, it was just her making fun of her childhood and turning all of the negative things that happened in her life into jokes. Which I actually found pretty entertaining, but if you don't like comedic things then I would not recommend this book to you. I would however recommend it to you if you want an easy read that you could finish in a few days, it's kinda of one of those books that puts you in a good mood because it is so funny. It also really makes you question whether or not you should be getting mad over the little things in life because this whole book is basically just turning a bad situation into a funny one by laughing at yourself for your mistake instead of getting upset over it. Don't get me wrong though, some things you just can't laugh about but for the little things that get you upset, just brush them off and laugh. Wow that sounds really corny but whatever. haha

Unfortunately, at the time I don't have my book with me so I can't put any of my favorite sentences up. But in a few hours, when I'm home, I will post those as soon as I can.


Pages read this week: 67
Total pages read this semester: 667

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Random Blog Post: Rant. & New Favorite Song.

Random Blog Post

I'm going to apologize ahead of time for this blog post, it's going to be offal. I'm sorry.
(& if something doesn't make sense I also appoligize, my brain is slow.)

There, now I can rant and talk about random things that come to my mind.

To say the least, this week has been so freakin annoying. Everything that my mom has been saying is so annoying. She won't stop talking about colleges. I don't think that she understands that we (my hijo & I) are bombarded with information about college 24/7 at school, so the last thing I want to talk about when I get home is college. I understand that I need to get things done, but honestly pushing someone to do something is not always the best thing to do. You need to let people do things at their own pace, even if you don't agree with the rate that they accomplish it at. I don't want to be mean to her, but honestly please leave me alone! And I know you might think that I am over reacting but honestly you should stay here for a day and see how annoying she is. Actually, after about an hour of listening to her scold you on everything that your doing wrong and everything that you need to do, you will want to leave and never come back. Oh and to top this amazing week off, she quit her job after two days of training. Who does that? Honestly. How do you know if you like a job after two days? That's not even long enough to know what your job is! Uhh.... Moms, can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.

Oh and if you haven't noticed by now, I really love music and tend to find a new favorite song/artist that I become obsessed with about every other week. So this week despite all of the negative things that I just went on a rant about, I found a new song that I love! It is by an artist that I love, David Nail, and is actually one of his older songs that I just heard on Pandora for the first time. It's called "Red Light." He has another song that is actually one of my all time favorite songs out of my list of favorites if that makes sense, and that song is called "Let It Rain." These two songs are literally on my list of go to songs when I just need to close my eyes and relax for a few minutes. It's like my own little personal escape from reality. Just like some people gravitate towards books to be their "escape," well music is mine and I don't know what I would do without my ipod. It is with me 24/7.


Friday, September 23, 2011

Just in case anyone was wondering why they cant comment on any of my stuff is because i enabled the comments. Im not really sure why, but I just really didnt want anyone to comment on my stuff. Sorry im really weird.


Sentence of the Month

Favorite Sentences of the Month:
  • "I only bring it up to explain why I'm not going to talk about it."
I thought that this was funny because it kind of contradicts itself in the fact that you don't want to talk about something but you bring it up anyway so that you don't have to talk about it. Which actually makes a lot of sense and is kind of a good idea, I might have to try that out for myself.
  • "(Some people say "Never let them see you cry." I say, if you're so mad you could just cry, then cry. It terrifies everyone.)"
This is my favorite "sentence" ever! It literally made me laugh out loud when I read it. It really isn't funny but when I pictured it in my messed up mind, I personally thought it was hilarious. Just imagining a women crying at her job around a whole bunch of guys and seeing the looks on their faces would be priceless. I mean couldn't you just imagine them having this confused/ mortified look on their face like "what do we do?" because they wouldn't want to give off the wrong impression if they did decide to do something. I don't know, maybe your thinking right now that I'm really stupid but that's okay because my real name isn't T-Rex.
  • Some of it, you really want to unlearn.
This is one of those sentences that everyone can relate to so I thougt it would be good to put up.

- howdini

pages read this week: 100
Total pages read this year:600
Book reading: Bossypants by tina fey

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Ahh im blogging in class!!

At this very moment, I am sitting in eytmology and we just watched one of the funniest videos I have ever seen. It was a preformance of a band and the plot of their preformance was of them killing eachother. I really don't like band stuff but I would honestly reccomend to anyone that video. I honestly had to hold myself back from literally laughing out loud. Im not saying any of this in a mean way, but it was just really funny how they were trying to kill eachother as a powerful statement throughout their preformance. Oh and just in case anyone got this impression, I have nothing against band people.


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tuesday: Claims

Here's a claim that I found intresting because it made me picture the video in my head without seeing it.
Blog: KayyBabyyy
  • In the video by Hot Chelle Rae, their aggressive and dominating choreography brings a melodic sound that comes along with proper posture. Their talented use of moves and chaotic space, brings the upbeat and fun groove.
This is another claim that I found intresting because it described the elegance of the ballet dancer so well that you didn't have to look at the picture posted to imagine what the dancer looked like.
  • This passionate picture shows a strong sturctured, elegant ballet dancer expressing her confident sharp body language, elegant attire, and complex poised position.
Notoriously MoFulla's blog had a really good claim that used really good words to described the video linked below.
  • In this Van Halen video, Right Now, their powerful and effective use of words, livelyness and alertness of the condition of the world, and the upbeat, melodic, sound creates a outspoken and thoughtful outlook on what the world has become.
Kim's Corner had a really intresting photo that she described in her claim.
  • In BĂ©renger's black and white photograph, his dramatic contrast and enticing depth of field draw the viewer into the picture with active negative space that elevates the shadows from the composition to illustrate an ominous and mysterious mood
On the blog untitled, the user described skittles and after you read this you literally want to eat skittles!!
  • The sweet tasing sensation of a skittle releases a flavor of fruitiness drowing all your taste buds in a pool of heaven. The numerous amount of these miniture, round, chewy candies create a rainbow effect in your mouth when devoured.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Someone Like You by: Adele
In this video of Adele preforming "Someone Like You" live, the audiance hears her explosive, elegant voice, with lyrics that have a powerful, motionless, old-fashioned message to them that creats a tranquil vibe throughout the theater.


Poet of the Month: Charles Douthat

Crying Man

Out of all of the poems that we have covered so far in class, I found that this was one that I somehow made a connection to. I personally have never witnessed someone crying and calling out to God in a bathroom before but I feel like the somberness of this poem really struck me differently than the rest. For some reason, I tend to be attracted to things that have a somber/more tranquil vibe to them versus things that are upbeat and inspirational.

I'm not really sure how to end this so I'm using this sentence as a cop-out for ending this post. The End.



I recently started a new book this week called Bossypants by Tina Fey, and so far I love it! It is filled from top to bottom with things that will make you laugh. The whole reason I wanted to read this book in the first place was because I love her on Saturday Night Live and thought that I would give her book a shot. Anyways, here are a few sentences that I liked this week.
  • "I only bring it up to explain why I'm not going to talk about it."
I thought that this was funny because it kind of contradicts itself in the fact that you don't want to talk about something but you bring it up anyway so that you don't have to talk about it. Which actually makes a lot of sense and is kind of a good idea, I might have to try that out for myself.
  • "(Some people say "Never let them see you cry." I say, if you're so mad you could just cry, then cry. It terrifies everyone.)"
This is my favorite "sentence" ever! It literally made me laugh out loud when I read it. It really isn't funny but when I pictured it in my messed up mind, I personally thought it was hilarious. Just imagining a women crying at her job around a whole bunch of guys and seeing the looks on their faces would be priceless. I mean couldn't you just imagine them having this confused/ mortified look on their face like "what do we do?" because they wouldn't want to give off the wrong impression if they did decide to do something. I don't know, maybe your thinking right now that I'm really stupid but that's okay because my real name isn't T-Rex.
  • My other favorite sentence wouldn't really make sense because their is an extremely long explanation that goes along with it so I thought that I would make a separate blog post about it when I found the time.

total pages read this semester: 500

I think that I might of added wrong because that seems like way too many pages and just doesn't sound right.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Favorite Sentences of the Past two weeks

This week I'm posting 6 sentences because last week I didn't come across any that were worthy of putting up. So this week I tried super hard and suprising managed to find 6 sentences, well they are more of phrases that I found funny or meaningful.
  • Some of it, you really want to unlearn.
This is one of those sentences that everyone can relate to so I thougt it would be appropiate to put up.
  • Rock 'n' roll's great weapon is humor.
I found this sentence to be very tranquil. That might not make sense to you but to me it just seems like with all of the madness going on in rock 'n' roll, having a sense of humor was their way of coping with the pain they were feeling. Mabey I'm totally wrong, but that was just the message that I got when I read it.
  • I learned how to puke properly.
This sentence is really gross yet funny because I didn't know their was a correct way to puke. haha
  • When I was doing drugs, it would be the finest stuff you can get.
Like the puking sentence, I also found this one amusing. To me, drugs are drugs. No matter what "quality" you think your getting, their still drugs and are extremely bad for your mind and body.
  • Women are a beautiful complication, and I look forward to far more beauties and far more complications.
I'm not really sure what drew me to this particular sentence, but I just liked it. When I read it I imagined an elderly man saying this to his grandson or something and just thought it was really cute. But if you think of it in they way that they intended you to read it then it would probably be gross. haha
  • Some guys have a hard way of saying I love you.
I found this sentence to be very cute. Guys always have weird ways of doing things but you know that they mean it in the nicest way possible so I felt like this sentene just summed that up perfectly.

Total pages read this semester: 390


Everything In A Nut Shell. September 8,2011

So here's the low down of the past week... Oh and the words in this post are actually spelled right this time.

I have decided that I am no longer reading my book. Not the Chelsea Hadler one, a different one that I think I mentioned last week. If I didn't it's Life by Keith Richards. His story is amazing and I'm glad that he is moving in the right direction with his addiction, but I just can't read this massive book knowing that no matter how much I read, it still looks like I haven't even mad a dent in this book. Despite the fact that I am no longer reading it, I did manage to look at the pictures in the middle of the book. What can I say, picture books are my thing!

Another thing is that I managed to find a job and have actually straightened a lot of things out in my life. Well not really straightened out but I guess you could say accomplished a lot of things that I should of done a while ago. First being the whole job search, that was driving me crazy. I felt that no matter how many interviews I had nothing I had to offer was good :( which was kind of depressing. But then again I would rather lose a job opportunity to someone who is living on their own and has to provide for themselve and a child rather than having extra leisure money for myself to buy more clothes with. Anyway, the other thing I accomplished this week is my online classes!!! I am so proud of myself that I managed to give up my nap-time this week and complete one out of the three online classes that I am taking this year. The main reason that I am so happy that I have completed it is because I signed up for it at the beginning of the summer and have managed to procrastinate till now to complete it. I know, procrastination is bad but it honestly gets the best of me sometimes.

The last thing that I wanted to mention in this post is a song that I found that I honestly have been obsessed with. It's "Someone Like You" by Adele. You've probably heard of it because I seem to be the last person on earth to become obsessed with it, but yea it's really good! I have seriously played it on my iTunes a bajillion times and I haven't gotten sick of it yet. I know a bajillion is a lot, but that's actually how many times I've played it.


currently my friend and I are txting eachother in a british accent form (that doesn't make sense? but i don't know how else to say it). sounds weird but it's really funny. you should probably try it! you will literally lol.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Don't Read This It's Really Boring. September 1,2011

WARNING: I dont feel like using spell check so theirs gonna be a lot of misspelled words.

This week, unlike any other week, has been crazy. But I don't really feel like talking about it cause it would probably be boring. haha.

Anyways, I don't have three sentences that I like this week. I'll probably find some tonight and just post them tomorrow. uhhhh im soo bored. I don't know what to type about. And I guess were suppose to go look at other peoples blogs and vote and comment on them, but I just don't feel like it. hmmm.

Well I guess I'll just ramble on about my book that I don't really like. I'm not talking about the Chelsea Handler one, cause that book is amazing! I'm talking about Life by Keith Richards. Its just boring. Well its intresting but it just talks about drugs all the time and about him getting busted. Theirs only so many stories I can read about drugs. So after I got to page 100, I realized that this book was not for me. I'm not into the whole boring thing. I'm more of the person that likes funny things and would rather be laughing and making a fool of myself then reading something boring. 

Yea so tonight I guess I'm gonna add more to this post because I can't think of anything else to say.
