Thursday, September 8, 2011

Everything In A Nut Shell. September 8,2011

So here's the low down of the past week... Oh and the words in this post are actually spelled right this time.

I have decided that I am no longer reading my book. Not the Chelsea Hadler one, a different one that I think I mentioned last week. If I didn't it's Life by Keith Richards. His story is amazing and I'm glad that he is moving in the right direction with his addiction, but I just can't read this massive book knowing that no matter how much I read, it still looks like I haven't even mad a dent in this book. Despite the fact that I am no longer reading it, I did manage to look at the pictures in the middle of the book. What can I say, picture books are my thing!

Another thing is that I managed to find a job and have actually straightened a lot of things out in my life. Well not really straightened out but I guess you could say accomplished a lot of things that I should of done a while ago. First being the whole job search, that was driving me crazy. I felt that no matter how many interviews I had nothing I had to offer was good :( which was kind of depressing. But then again I would rather lose a job opportunity to someone who is living on their own and has to provide for themselve and a child rather than having extra leisure money for myself to buy more clothes with. Anyway, the other thing I accomplished this week is my online classes!!! I am so proud of myself that I managed to give up my nap-time this week and complete one out of the three online classes that I am taking this year. The main reason that I am so happy that I have completed it is because I signed up for it at the beginning of the summer and have managed to procrastinate till now to complete it. I know, procrastination is bad but it honestly gets the best of me sometimes.

The last thing that I wanted to mention in this post is a song that I found that I honestly have been obsessed with. It's "Someone Like You" by Adele. You've probably heard of it because I seem to be the last person on earth to become obsessed with it, but yea it's really good! I have seriously played it on my iTunes a bajillion times and I haven't gotten sick of it yet. I know a bajillion is a lot, but that's actually how many times I've played it.


currently my friend and I are txting eachother in a british accent form (that doesn't make sense? but i don't know how else to say it). sounds weird but it's really funny. you should probably try it! you will literally lol.